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Why Should You Enroll Your Child in Survival Swim Lessons?

Survival swim lessons are gaining popularity by the day, and for good reason. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Drowning is the single leading cause of injury death for children ages 1 to 4, and it’s one of the top causes of death for teens.” The AAP also states that “formal swim lessons for children age 1 and older reduce the risks of drowning. Swim lessons are an important layer of protection to prevent drowning.” This clearly demonstrates the importance of survival swim lessons for your child. It can benefit your child in numerous ways, including:

1. Water Competency:

Survival swim lessons enable infants to experience water uniquely. They are introduced to the swimming pool and quickly learn that to breathe, they must float on their own. Their actions are positively reinforced, and we continuously build on that survival skill set. As confidence in the water improves, they gradually learn essential self-rescue swim skills such as Swim-Float-Swim. By the end of the introductory survival swim lessons, the child will be able to keep themselves afloat, ensuring critical time for rescuers to arrive.

2. Building Confidence in Toddlers

Child safety in and around water begins with a healthy respect for its dangers. Introducing infants or toddlers to swim classes with the correct methods is crucial in boosting their understanding and fostering a healthy relationship with water. Once this understanding is established, kids quickly gain confidence in the skills they learn. With no preconceived notions, toddlers adapt quickly to swim lessons. These experiences become core memories they relate to during future challenges, helping them build confidence now and for years to come.

A study has suggested that 4-year-old children who had taken swim lessons at some time from the age of 2 months to 4 years were better adapted to new situations, had more self-confidence, and were more independent than non-swimmers. Clearly, survival swim lessons not only teach lifesaving skills but also give children the confidence to use those skills when the need arises. They are less likely to panic if they fall into a body of water and can keep themselves safe until help arrives.

3. Swimming and Muscle Development

The full-body workout that swimming provides is an excellent way to improve muscle strength as well as flexibility, cardiovascular, and respiratory health. Swimming helps build essential muscles in babies and toddlers. As they progress through survival swim lessons, they develop the muscles needed to hold their head, coordinate their core, and move their arms and legs. Swimming also trains the body to use oxygen more efficiently, which strengthens the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and brain.

4. Swimming Builds Motor Skills and Cognitive Health

Research has shown that “swimming helps improve gross, fine, and total motor skills. Babies who took swimming classes showed better inhibition speed and shifting accuracy, with associated gains in shifting accuracy and fine and total motor skills.” In another study focused on 7000 children aged five and under from Australia, New Zealand, and the US, it was found that children who swam were anywhere from 6 to 15 months ahead of the normal population when it came to cognitive skills, problem-solving in mathematics, counting, language, and following instructions.

5. Improve Appetite and Sleeping Patterns of Toddlers and Babies:

Every parent knows the challenges of bedtime and meal routines. Spending time in the water can exercise both the physical and mental systems of your child. However little, time spent on activities in the water and during swim lessons can help babies and toddlers use up energy. This can drive internal hunger or satiation cues, encouraging them to eat well and sleep more. As physical activity naturally makes babies sleepier, this pool time can help reinforce eating and sleeping routines.

6. Starting Swimming Early is Best:

Children are natural learners, and one might say they are like sponges. So, the longer you wait to properly introduce them to the water, the harder it may be for them to learn. Babies respond to routines and patterns. They learn best in this environment, too. Once these are established, it can be challenging to break, or efforts can be met with unfavorable results. Additionally, as babies grow older, they tend to believe water is fun and, worse, safe! It becomes very difficult to remove these notions and create new healthy routines based on Survival Swim skill sets. So, the sooner they start, the better it is.

Looking for survival swim lessons for your baby?

Would you like to find ways to improve their health and strengthen their core mental and physical systems, all while adding safety to your daily life? Get in touch with us right away. Our survival swim lessons focus on building strong water safety skills, promoting lifesaving water skills, and fostering your children’s confidence.

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