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Tips for Great Water Play Time for Your Infant Aquatics Child  

This guide is specifically designed for parents of children enrolled in Infant Aquatics CT programs. These programs differ from standard swim lessons, which primarily focus on water familiarization, buoyancy, and basic movement for young babies, without emphasizing essential survival skills. 

Here are some key things to remember when enjoying water play with your little Infant Aquatic CT star: 

Dos for Successful Water Play 

  • DO provide constant supervision when your child is in or around water or use “shared supervision” with another adult who can swim.
  • DO present a hand target as you were shown during your in-water time with your child and the instructor when he/she is swimming to you.
  • DO protect their chin and face when they swim to the wall or steps (follow behind and place hand on wall where they will be coming up for air).
  • DO reinforce different behaviors…don’t just have your child swim 3-5 feet always. Sometimes pick up immediately after a swim, sometimes after they have floated, and sometimes after they have swam, floated, and flipped back over to you.
  • DO be careful with your child should they decide to jump in to you and always have them swim a few feet to your hand before picking them up after a jump.
  • DO share all of this information with ANYONE who is in the water with your child.
  • DO group FUN classes, regular maintenance lessons, and/or refreshers to keep your child’s skills at their best.


Don’ts for Water Play 

  • DON’T use any type of object that would “float” your child, this will counteract the appropriate postures they learned in lessons.
  • DON’T allow for extended play time on or at the steps or in a “baby pool” as this can be as detrimental as using a flotation device.
  • DON’T intercede when your child is rolling back onto their back to float. Allow them to come up over the water to float and breathe before picking them up. And DON’T continually pick them up in the midst of a short swim before they reach the wall, steps, or your hand. They will come up to float if they need a breath.
  • DON’T give your child too much of a push when launching them into a swim, just lean over and let them go, or you will teach them they don’t need to kick since they can glide.
  • DON’T hover over your child as they swim or float, this will only make them drawn to you and take away from them using their skills successfully. Always stay within the proximity shown to you during your in-water time with your child and the instructor. Should you see that your child is swimming only a foot or so away and turning back to get you, please bring them back for a maintenance lesson. This shows you are standing too close when swimming with them.
  • DON’T allow your child to swim with anyone who will not follow these guidelines (i.e. a grandparent who likes to pretend “swim” with your child’s head above water).


By following these tips, you’ll ensure that your Infant Aquatics CT child has a safe, fun, and productive water play time. Remember, consistency and adherence to these guidelines are crucial for reinforcing the valuable skills your child has learned. Enjoy your time in the water and watch your little one become a confident and capable swimmer! 

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